SELECT Statement
The SELECT command is mainly used to limit the returned results.
Return All Fields
SELECT * FROM table_name;
Return Specific Fields
SELECT field1, field2 FROM table_name;
Remove Duplicates
SELECT DISTINCT field FROM table_name;
ORDER BY Statement
SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY field_name [ASC|DESC];
LIMIT Statement
SELECT * FROM table_name LIMIT start, quantity;
If only quantity is specified, it defaults to start from row 0.
SELECT * FROM table_name LIMIT 7;
This represents rows 0-6.
// mysql
SELECT * FROM table_name LIMIT 10, 6;
// postgresql
SELECT * FROM table_name LIMIT 6 OFFSET 10;
This represents rows 10-15.
WHERE Clause
We use WHERE for data filtering.
Operator | Description |
= | Equal to |
<> | Not equal to |
> | Greater than |
< | Less than |
>= | Greater than or equal to |
<= | Less than or equal to |
BETWEEN | Within a certain range |
LIKE | Matches pattern-defined data |
IN | Specifies multiple possible values |
// Name is Jack
SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = "Jack";
// Age is greater than 12
SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 12;
// Age is between 12 and 18
// Name starts with J
SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE "J%";
// Age is 12, 15, or 18
SELECT * FROM users WHERE age IN (12,15,18);
LIKE supports two wildcards, %
represents any number of characters, _
represents any single character.
// Name starts with J, such as Jack, Jacky, Jim
SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE "J%";
// Single character, such as JA, Jc
SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE "J_";
// Age is 12 or 18
SELECT * FROM users WHERE age = 12 OR age = 18;
// Name is Jack and age is 12
SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = "Jack" OR age = 12;
// Age is not 12
SELECT * FROM users WHERE not age = 12;
GROUP BY Statement
GROUP BY is often used with aggregate functions (COUNT, AVG ...) and uses HAVING for additional queries.
// Query the number of users of the corresponding age, and the number must be greater than 10
SELECT age, COUNT(age) FROM users GROUP BY age HAVING COUNT(age) > 10;
EXISTS Statement
EXISTS is mainly used to query whether it meets the data returned by the subquery.
SELECT age FROM users WHERE EXISTS (SELECT age FROM users WHERE age > 2 );
Common Aggregate Functions
Function | Description | Remarks |
count() | Count | Only counts non-empty rows, use count(*) or count(1) to count all rows including empty rows |
sum() | Sum | Only counts non-empty rows, True is treated as 1, False is treated as 0 |
max() | Maximum Value | For time fields, it represents the most recent date |
min() | Minimum Value | For time fields, it represents the earliest date |
avg() | Average | Only counts non-empty rows |